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Caissie Canine Instruction: Toxic Food Guide for Dogs

We begin this week’s “RUFF TAILS” featuring a beautiful 1 year old Indian Pariah named Rami.

"When I got to Canada, I was scared and my mom and dad had a hard time with me.

They cried many times and been so close to giving up. The whole process has been harder then my mom and dad even imagined…….”

“But as I began to trust and felt the huge amount of love from mom and dad, they told me I was worth it!!!!!”

“I have found my forever home”

Welcome to Doggie Dialogue:

Our clients have asked us over the years what foods are dangerous to our dog/dogs. At the top of the list are the following: grapes, avocados, chocolate, apple seeds, onions, raisins, walnuts, and xylitol. Xylitol is an artificial sweetener used in many sugar-free gums.

Onions can cause gastrointestinal irritation and signs of illness can occur a few days later.

Chocolate contains a stimulant called theobromine which is poisonous to dogs and can cause kidney failure.

Macadamia nuts contain a toxin that can affect your dog’s nervous system resulting in swollen limbs and weakness.

Avocado plants contain persin, which is a fungicidal toxin, which is in its leaves, fruit and seed, this can cause your dog to have diarrhoea and/or vomiting.

Artificial sweetener called Xylitol can cause your dog to go into hypoglycaemia which can cause liver failure. This sweetener can be found in some peanut butters, candy, chewing gums, diet and sugar-free products. Unfortunately, we have had friends and family members dog’s pass away because of the consumption of this sweetener.

One of our clients, Desiree Patterson, Instagram @honeykissedstudio, has informed us that Xylitol is now going to be marketed as “birch sugar”. Thank you Desiree.

Cooked bones should be avoided at all cost. These bones tend to splinter and can cause constipation and at worst a perforation of the gut, which can be fatal.

Grapes and raisins may cause liver damage and kidney failure.

Other foods to avoid are the following: caffeine, alcohol, coconut oil, dairy, raw eggs, salt, yeast dough (raw bread dough) and coffee.

If your dog has ingested any of the above please consult your vet immediately.

It is always best to follow a specifically formulated diet for your dog/dogs to meet their nutritional needs.

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