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Caissie Canine Instruction: Why do Dogs Whine?

Congratulations to all our K9 trivia enthusiasts from last week!!! This week is for the kids and grandchildren, which is our K9 FUN FACTS.


FUN FACTS: Did you know?


Dogs can sniff at the same time as breathing.


A dog’s nose print is unique, like a human fingerprint.


Dogs use their tails for swimming and to keep balance when running.


Petting a dog for 10-15 minutes can lower blood pressure by 10%; also help lower feelings of stress, depression and compact loneliness.


When your dog is choosing the perfect place to “poop” do you know it is because they prefer to “poop” in alignment with the earth’s magnetic field.


Dogs do not wag their tails when they are alone.


Dogs have 3 eyelids. The third lid is called “haw” and keeps the eye protected and lubricated.


Two different breeds have a fully black tongue. The breeds are a Chow Chow and Shar-Peis.


Dogs have excellent vision in dim light and are more sensitive to motion which makes them fearless hunters.


Dogs do not have an appendix.



Welcome to Doggie Dialogue


Dogs commonly whine when they are excited, anxious or simply seeking attention. Some dogs may whine when interacting with people and other dogs, sometimes even adopting a submissive posture such as a tucked tail, head down, and a lowered body.

Appeasement whining is a normal K9 behaviour. Dogs can try to appease people or other dogs when they perceive a threat or aggression being directed at them. K9 body language for this behaviour may include holding the ears back, tucking the tail, rolling over into their back, or avoiding eye contact.


To help your K9 with this behaviour, try to build their confidence. You can build confidence in your K9 with reward-based training, trick training, or even sports like flyball, musical freestyle or agility classes.

Avoid physical or verbal punishment as this will only decrease his/her confidence level.


When your K9 whines, when greeting people, try to divert his/her attention with their favourite toy.

Most K9’s will get excited when company arrives, therefore we recommend keeping the door greeting short, simple, without loud voices, and move calmly and slowly. Wait until your K9 is less “excited” before petting him/her.


When working on curbing your K9’s attention-seeking whining we recommend turning away from your dog completely by ignoring him/her to indicate to your dog his/her attention-seeking whining won’t work. Remember talking to your K9, touching/petting or eye contact all constitutes attention. Do not reward this behaviour.


Should you need any assistant with this behaviour, please feel free to reach out to Paul at any time.

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